Study Tracking System

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Study Tracking System 

Manage the visits of your study

The STS is designed so that CROs (Contract Research Organizations) can optimize visits to research centers.

Our STS system allows you to keep a record of the CRAs (Clinical Research Associates) visits to each of the sites that develop a clinical study.

Within the STS, we have electronic signatures so that monitors and Project Managers can certify that all processes are carried out according to best practices.

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 Its main characteristics are:

  • Creation and approval of reports

  • PDF downloads

  • Schedule monitor visits 

  • Register and download reports

If you want to know more about how our systems are validated and comply with 21 CFR Part 11

We develop solutions as a service, take a look at how they work.


Types of Reports

Qualification Visit
Site Initiation Visit
Interim Monitoring Visit
Close-out Visit


Report Dashboard

This module allow you to see the status of every visit on the project and in what state it is (created, pending approval or approved).

An important view highlights:

  • Protocol Deviations

  • Action Items (AI)

  • SAEs

KPIs with filters per Project, Site, etc. so that the CRO can quickly define next actions.


This module allows creation and configuration of visits, passing through all the steps needed to collect all the information during all the process, with forms to fill every information needed. Also a calendar is shown with a monthly, weekly or daily view of all the visits in all the studies.

Study Database

The study database module allows the user to see all the information on the database stored with all the visits, including every important information, such as country, site, type of visit, CRA in charge, Status, etc. Letting you download the reports on Excel and PDF.

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