Trial 360
Our All-in-One Site ERP and CTMS with Electronic Health Record/eSource for Clinical Trials
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An All-in-one Ecosystem

Trial360 is a web-based 21 CFR Part 11 compliant, easy-to-use platform that speeds up processes and improves quality across the clinical study. Inspired by a site network, this modular solution adapts to any site size, multi-site, multi-study, multi-country with a Recruitment module, Project and Study set-up plus scheduling module, Electronic Health Record module, and Laboratory module. These four modules constitute the basis of a Site that is completely CTMS 21 CFR Part 11 Compliant. 

Sites can grow easily after installing ERP modules such as Finance and Billing, Procurement and Inventory, Human Resources, Document Management, eLearning, etc., on an On-Demand basis and pay-as-you-go model.

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TRIAL 360 ECOSYSTEM (All-in-one)

  • CTMS - EHR - Project - Laboratory- Accounting - Billing - Recruitment/CRM with Scheduling - Website - eLearning - eSignature & Documents - HR - Payroll


  • +Agility,  Modularity, Flexibility - At all Levels

  • Project: Project flow and life cycle + Billing

  • 21 CFR 11, ALCOA & GCP Compliant


  • Generation of Value for a Clinical Study Site

  • Life Science Vertical solution based on how Sites offer speed, quality, security and control to both Sponsors and CROs

  • Scalability

  • Customized solution

  • Clinical Study User Friendly

  • Validated Solution compliant with all security and safety requirements

  • Web Based - remote access for reports, monitors, etc


    A short journey

    Easy and fast configuration of the Protocol in a validated, user-friendly, all-in-one web Solution


    Quick Project Set-Up (By Trial)


    Recruitment (CRM - Website)


    Management (Visits, EHR & Lab Samples)


    Data Analysis

    We develop solutions as a service, take a look at how they work.


    Early Adopter Program

    EAP Initial Scope

    Trial360 EAP components:


    1-Cost per user. For a clinical research center with 5 users price can start from $240 USD per month ($48 USD per user). The initial base system includes:

    -Recruitment CRM: Candidates Management by stage, with a simple step-by-step process to enable faster subject/patient enrollment. With the website option

    -GCP Compliant Electronic Medical Record 21 CFR Part 11 validated

    -Projects Application: the brain where the projects are configured and defined according to the protocol, including groups, visits, domains of the Electronic Medical Record per visit, inclusion/exclusion criteria, scheduling according to the windows defined, etc.

    -Laboratory management system integrated with the electronic medical record, and able to connect to a local or central Laboratory system - LIS.

    -Billing according to study milestones or variables

    -Remote monitoring for CROs, via a temporary monitor role user.

    -Secure user management, reports, and on-demand views with the option to download to excel among other formats.

    2-It also includes private infrastructure with up to 100GB of storage and 5x8 functional support.

    3-Implementation Services. Its cost varies according to the size of the Site and the type and amount of training and accompaniment by role required.

    4-Additional Business Apps (Optional) for Trial360: Finance, Accounting, Expenses, Procurement, Inventory, Human Resources, Time Sheets, eLearning, Docs, etc., with a cost per application plus implementation services.



    • Prices do not include taxes. Prices are for the early adopter program available. 

    • Between 10% to 20% additional discount depending on volume.

    • Prices are for Trial360 standard version

    If you want to know more about how our systems are validated and comply with 21 CFR Part 11

    Want to get any of the solutions?

    Schedule a meeting with us


    Success Story


    CEVAXIN Is an investigational site network in Panama that provides services for the implementation and conduction of clinical,  epidemiological, and public health studies providing innovative solutions and quality processes to achieve high-quality data and results for the trials.


    Research Center

    • Key Opinion Leaders network in different medical areas.

    • Regulatory services.

    • Sponsor for local studies.

    • Recruitment and Adherence Unit.

    • Quality Assurance Unit.

    • Contact Center.

    • Project Management Unit.

    • Technology Embedded.